Ugghh I'm so tired of working on this project for my 3D class! We have to make an exact replica of something out of cardboard. The problem is it has to be exactly the same size, dimensions, details...everything. We can't have any glue or tape showing, just cardboard. I'm making a bird and it's driving me crazy! I can't get the edges to look's only about a third of the way done and it's due tomorrow morning. adkahf;ha;ldihflidfh!!! *end rant*
Anyway, besides that I'm having a good day. Went shopping with Justin and got two new tanks, a tee, a dress and two necklaces. Also a book about Lady Gaga that I just HAD to have!!

What's everyone else up to this week? Finals? Actual fun stuff? I wish that's what I were doing. But after tomorrow, it's SUMMER for me! :D
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